The first significant settlement in Port Blandford occurred in the 1890s due to the building of the railway. The town was named after Captain Darius Blandford, who was master of the bay steamer Dundee.

Port Blandford is an oasis in Newfoundland; it's surrounded by dense boreal forest and bordered by three salmon rivers. In summer you can walk, hike, fish or (in season) pick strawberries. In winter, you can cross country ski, skate, snowshoe or be a kid again and take up tobogganing.

Port Blandford has a variety of accommodations.

By d' Bay Cabins
Long Term
210 Main St, P.O. Box 10
Serendipity Bed & Breakfast Cottage
Long Term
112 Main Street
Terra Nova Golf Resort
9 Muddy Brook Rd
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